VEM AC 3 phase Electric Motor Program: inc. Explosion Proof, Water Cooled, Marine, Non Ventilated & Slip Ring Motor types

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Enquire about VEM AC 3 phase Electric Motor Program: inc. Explosion Proof, Water Cooled, Marine, Non Ventilated & Slip Ring Motor types

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VEM is the World renowned German manufacturer of AC 3 Phase Electric Motors with three dedicated manufacturing plants in Germany and a 125 year history of producing electric motors, makes them one of our preferred manufacturing partners for these product.

Through these three plants, they are able to offer a complete range of IE1, IE2 and IE3 AC Electric motors for all types of General Industrial applications as well as Motors for more specialised applications such as Explosion Proof for the Gas & Oil Industries, Generators Motors for the Hydra & Wind Power Generating Industries, Marine Grade Motors, Water Cooled Motors, Non Ventilated Motors, Slip-Ring Motors and Roller Table Motors, as well as Brake, 2 Speed Motors and Compact Drives.

We therefore would welcome any and all enquiries for any motors within the following Motors types:

Explosion Proof Types:

  • ‘e’ type 0.12 to 315KW
  • ‘d/de’ type 0.12 to 630KW
  • ‘n’ type 0.06 to 450KW
  • Zone 21 0.06 to 450KW
  • Zone 22 0.06 to 450KW

Slip-Ring Motors:

Slip-Ring 2.20 to 315KW

Marine Motors:

0.06 to 440KW 3 Phase Motors for ship operation Seawater Protection in accordance with the following International organisations GL, BV, DNV, LRS, ABS, RMRS, RINA, PRS and CCS.

Generator Motors:

2.2 to 500 KW

Motors for Mechanical Smoke & Heat Extraction Equipment:

0.12 to 500KW in Classes F200, F300 & F400

Motors for the Steel & Rolling Mill Industry:

  1. Three Phase Rolling Mill 0.5 to 500KW
  2. Three Phase gear Rolling Mill 0.4 to 450KW
  3. Three Phase Motors for Cranes in Metallurgical Plants 4.8 to 315KW

Built in Motors: 0.06 to 355KW

Three Phase Compact Drives: 0.55 to 22KW

Three Phase Brake Motors: 0.12 to 500KW

Cooled Types:

  1. Water Cooled 37 to 315KW
  2. Forced Ventilated 0.25 to 500KW
  3. Non-Ventilated 0.04 to 250KW

Medium & High Voltage Machines for :-

Transpotation: Locomotives, electrical, diesel electrical, disel hydraulic, Rapid transit railway, Trams, Monorails, Trolley buses, Hybrid buses, Mining trucks.

Ship Building: Offshore and Barge building.

Energy & Environmental Technology:

Power plants, Energy producing plants, auxiliary plant machines in medium to high voltage versions.


Rolling mills, Cement mills, Chemical, Petrochemical, Mining, Open Cast Mining, Timber & Plastic processing plants, Pumps & Compressors, Fans, Climatic technology, agitators, Conveying & Transport systems, Cranes & Excavators, Lifting equipment.

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