AC Electric Motors
Single & Three Phase 2, 4, 6 & 8 Pole Motors in Cast Iron & Aluminium various voltage types inc. Reduce Frame Compact Types.
AC 3 phase Generator Motors 50/60HZ in 2, 4, 6 & 8 pole versions for power generation.

A Comprehensive Range of AC Electric Motors for Foot mounting as a stand alone unit or Flange mounting to one of our ranges of Worm & Helical Spur Gear units!
The AC Electric Motor market has gone through considerable changes in recent years as the re focus for World Wide Standardisation of Power Efficiencies has been enforced away from the old EFF (IE1) Efficiency rating to the New compulsory IE2 Series which came in force back in June 2011 and then followed through to IE3 for 7.5 to 375KW Motors in January 2015 and then fully in January 2017 when the range was increased to cover 0.75 to 375KW Motor range.
Since these Efficiency Ratings have become the by-word for the Industry, and as stocks of the old EFF (IE1) rating motors have been replaced by the IE2 & IE3 with the priority now refocused on efficiency being the benchmark it soon became clearer which motor manufacturers are offering the best value for money, "When comparing the Cost against Efficiency ratio."
Hence we will continue to work hard to provide you with a combined program from various world wide manufacturer's, which will include the entire range of AC Industrial Motor from VEM (Germany) which include IE1, IE2, IE3, 3 phase Standard asynchronous Cast Iron,Two Speed motors, DC Brake motors, Slip-Ring motors, Explosion Proof motors, Water Cooled motors, Roller table motors, and Non-ventilating Motors along with others manufacturers such as, CHT (Italy), EMG (Italy), FFD (Austria), TEE (Turkey), Koncar (Croatia), UMEB (Romania) as well other brands, which will enable us supply not only the High End of the market where the Brand or the Higher Efficiency Rating of the motor is king. But also in the low power end of the market from 0.09 to 0.55KW where the IE1 Efficiency are still produced and also in 0.75KW up to 18.5KW range where the lower cost Aluminium Framed IE2 motors come into play.
So regardless of whether your preference is for Quality or Efficency or just Price we have the product to meet it